Last Wednesday, the Jonas Brothers were in KL performing live at Stadium Negara. Malaysia was the last stop for their Asia Tour after touring Manila & Singapore. Well, we are happy to have them. (and i'm happy to have NICK!) XD
OHMAIJONASSSSS!!!! I'm still suffering from the 'after-concert' syndrome. @.@ They were exceptionally AWESOME! (Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick!!) :p They performed their hits singles like 'Burnin' Up', 'SOS', 'Lovebug', 'Paranoid' and ofcourse opening with 'When You Look Me In the Eyes'. Not to forget, they also performed their groovy new songs like 'Let's Go!' and 'Wedding Bells'.
By the way, it starts off with performance by Anna Maria (i think she was a co-star for Camp Rock??).
Anna doing her 'thing' :)
As the wait's over, finally (FINALLY) the brothers were up on stage... A long wait BUT! well you can check out the pictures for yourselves below.. HEHE ;D
Lucky shot!
Super talented Nick playing the keyboard, drum & guitar.. *melts*
Nick performing 'Wedding Bells' for the 1st time! :D I still can't believe it's for his ex, Miley?! Man, PICK ME! I LOVE YOU MORE!! XD
Nick performing his hits single from his solo album, 'Who I Am'.
Salute, salute.. GAHHHH T.T
It dawns to me that it was over when this picture was up after the Jonasess goes backstage. (Look how cute is Nick!) <3
Thanks to my friend, i manage to snap a picture before leaving. Love her much! :)
I was lucky enough to get myself upgraded to VIP seats where i could watched them clearly. So thanks to whoever who makes it happen. ^.^ Blissful night it was..... :]
**Sorry for the over-excited feeling for Nick. He's ahmaaazinggg!! <3 Okay, i'll stop now.. AHAHAHA!
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